of the same feather flock together...Oh
Cars of the same colour park together.

is infectious. It is rightly said - a man is known by the company he keeps.
People resort to substance abuse or become alcoholic only because of bad
association. So we need to be extremely careful while choosing our companions.
We should seek company of those whose life is an emblem of purity and virtue.
Such noble souls can easily transform our lives.
poem explaining the value of right association written by Yogi Vemana in Telugu
is as below,
purugu ceri vrukshambu ceracunu
purugu ceri cettu ceracu
ceri gunavantu ceracura
vinura Vema !
- A root-worm infects the roots and destroys the entire tree. Termite infects
and destroys the whole tree. Similarly a vile one spoils a virtuous person.
Good company and association with wise people are essential for one to remain
virtuous and to do good.
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