Sovereign Hill is one of the most famous gold yielding
mining of 1850s.Situated in the City of Ballarat and on Mount Pleasant, today
it is a historic and cultural place.You step into Sovereign Hill and you will
be transported back 150 years, Old Buildings, roads, Mine tunnels, gold
refining factory etc. There are free and paid, guided mining tours.Carts being
pulled by Horses. You can walk along the old, historic town at your pace, which
is not a huge place and max should take about 2 to 3 hours. Then, there is Gold
museum, where you can see the artefacts of famous gold nuggets found during the
history of Sovereign Hill, various photographs of Europeans, the early settlers
and also about the aboriginal people.
There is an interesting movie about the Aboriginal
people and culture that is shown,once in every 20 mins or so.Then, there
is the Gold shop and various items of Gold etc.Anyway, I was told by one of my
Gold savvy friend who like to buy gold coins informed me that the
price of the gold coin is more costly in the shop then at the Gold Bullion
here at Melbourne. Anyway, I am not so much into the gold stuff but, I did buy
a $5 gold - a bottle that has some transparent liquid, may be distilled water
and and some thinnest gold flakes. Looks good and as a Sovenier.
The funny thing about this visit was that, I did not
actually go to the Sovereign Hill or the Museum ( I was there 3 times before) because,
I am on a different purpose attending a Spiritual Retreat at the Accommodation
- Comfort Inn, which is right next to the Hill. We had fun in our own way, but
managed to get some photos. Also, when I learnt that my son was going to visit
this place again, as a part of his school exclusion, I did not bother much
about visiting the hill.
Reminds me of a verse from Bhagavad Gita 16th Chapter Verse 21 and a story narrated by HH Mahavishnu Gosvami Maharaj in Sydney .
narakasyedam dvaram nasanam atmanah
krodhas tatha lobhas tasmad etat trayam tyajet
[There are three gates leading to this hell -- lust, anger
and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the
degradation of the soul.](BG 16.21)
So Narada muni said: “What is this, show me your bowl”.
He showed the bowl, and it was just ordinary begging bowl.
So the beggar was very happy, you know. Narada muni took out
his address of Kuvera, he had diary, you know, computer, you know, [Laughs],
put-put-put, he took out the address, wrote a letter line that “I am sending
you this beggar, please fill his begging bowl and oblige. Your Servant,
So the beggar went running to heavenly planets and he was
very happy that now the bowl will be full. So eventually he reached there and found
out Kuvera, you know.
He said: “Kuveraji, I have introduction letter from Narada
Muni for you.”
So he took the letter and said, “I am sending you, you
please fill up the bowl.”
“Show me your bowl”, he showed his bowl.
“Alright, it is a play thing. Narada does not have any
sense. Why should he write a letter for this. I can fill up within a second.”
So he called his servant and said: “You take this beggar and
go and fill up the bowl.”
So the servant went running and said: “Come, come with me,
I’ll fill it up within no time.”
To his surprise, half the treasury was empty and even
then the bowl was not full. So he was doubting, “whether there is a hole inside
or what, I don’t know. It is not getting full.” So somehow or other he could
not understand. So, then he started pouring again, within no time the whole
treasury was empty and the bowl was not full.
He said, “There must be something wrong.”
He went back running to Kuvera. He said, “Maharaj, you are
completely poor now. Nearly you are beggar and even now this bowl is not
He said, “What are you talking.”
“Yes, I have emptied the whole treasury, you don’t have
anything now.”
“Oh!” he said, “Narada, is silly man. He did not see whether
he has bowl or not or whether it has hole inside”.
So in the mean time Narada was passing though the heavenly
He called, “Hey Narada. What did you do? This beggar … We
are not able to fill up his bowl.”
Narada said: “I didn't know. It looks like an ordinary
begging bowl.”
So he called the beggar and said: “Show me your bowl.”
He showed like that.
He said, “No, no, show me the other way.”
So he just showed the other way. And it was not a begging
bowl, it was human skull.
This human skull will never be satisfied even if the
Kuvera’s treasury is poured into this. This is our greed. Please, we are all
carrying that skull, and unlimited, insatiable desire is there. We have come to
Australia , we have come
here, we have gone to America ,
and all over the world we are earning very nice money, and even then running
after… you know, this is greed. Please try to limit your things, try to think
over these things. Human existence is slipping, away, and in order to protect
our own interest, which is spiritual interest, we must draw somewhere the line
of this kama , krodha and lobha. In a limited
way, we are allowed to have, in a regulated way, but unregulated way,
unlimitedly, if we run after these things then we are going to be destroyed
And these are kaam, krodha and lobha, Lust, Anger and Greed please
leave them for good. And this is the clear instruction of Bhagavad-gita. And of
the three, greed is the most horrible thing, because as we see from the above
story, a person who is greedy can never be satisfied or be happy inspite of
having the whole world.
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